I've been running Linux as my only computer OS for probably ten years, and have been very happy overall with the tech and how to use it. Dealing with the community is sometimes a litttle challenging; many people find there are many gatekeepers, many opinions and yes, still many
holy wars. One is the title reference, that "it's not 'Linux', it's GNU-Linux!" Frankly I see this as off-putting to many, potentially a barrier to adoption; yes, there can be some toxicity within the communities.
Okay, we all get the point. Without gcc and the GNU toolchain, there might not ever have been a Linux kernel. But to be complete, if you're talking about Linux on the desktop then in his day and age you're almost certainly also using systemd for managing daemons and services, and either X window or Wayland for controlling the graphics. So to be complete, are we to call "Linux" by the full name "GNU systemd X Linux"?
If I'm in a conversation about computing and someone