In media created for the 15-19 age group, especially dystopian and urban fantasy narratives, there is a trend of presenting the protagonist with two (or as many as six) virtues or ideals which are pitted against each other, due to circumstances which force those values to be expressed in their unhealthy extremes, to the exclusion of each other. Sometimes the young reader is railroaded by the narrative into agreeing with whichever side the protagonist ultimately takes, due to the author treating the "opposite virtue" as innately flawed or prone to extreme black-and-white thinking. Other times, the choice is agonised over by the character at first, but later it is revealed to be a false choice, under a hegemonic authority which pits various sides of society against each other as a mechanism of control.
Truth versus Beauty
Practicality versus Ambition, Realism versus Idealism, these are the oppositional virtues which…