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 --- --- --- --- --- ---

Start with a small square piece of paper (you'll decide how small).

 --- --- --- --- --- ---
| '                    |
|   '                  |
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 --- --- --- --- --- ---- 

Then fold top right corner down to bottom left corner so it makes a triangle.(see below)

|   '
|      '
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|               '
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** --- --- --- --- --- ---*

next pull the two points (see *&*)one at a time to the same bottom corner (see **) (so all your corners will collect at the same corner as at first step) now you have a small sqare.

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 --- --- --- ---

unfold those flaps and put the now free corner so it folds into a triangle touching the longest line of the bigger triangle.(see below)

| '
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|---------  '
|* '      |   '
|    '    |      '
|   ** '  |         '
 --- --- --- --- --- -**

Now, tuck the previously untucked corners( see * & **) under the new half triangle et voilà.
It should be a small square with a diagonal triangle flap where you tucked the two corners.
This allows for it to hold to a corner of the page you desire to bookmark. You can make lots of these and even colour code them if you like. This bookmark beats those stick-it things that protrude from study books - I don't like those, pretty as they are - plus these are much kinder to books (especially old books).

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