In the Deathroom is a short story in the collection titled Everything's Eventual by Stephen King. This story portrays the interrogation of a man by a central american Ministry of Information panel. I will neglect to go into further detail due to the possiblity of ruining the outcome, but I will continue to comment on the general feel behind the story.

As with other literary works in the past, such as George Orwell's 1984, we are exposed to the interogation slash torture of individuals for information. Unlike 1984, this short story deals only with an interrogation where as the novel deals with many more issues. The idea behind this torture scene is to project a situation of complete hopelessness. After all, how hopeful can one be when the best scenario is a quick death. As human beings, any scene of torture is capable of quickly evoking strong emotion. I believe the strong feelings come from the fact that death, typically the worst situation, is favorable to torture.

In King's story, we are able to develop a genuine hate for the captors and are very easily able to empathize with the captured, because most torture stories deal deeply with humanity. The torture is very descriptive and horrifying, and the conclusion is somewhat unexpected. I did enjoy this story, so I will not provide more information and allow the readers to discover the feelings for themselves.