Sangui5 is just another guy who can't understand why he's writing in the third person. But still, I like to code, read Slashdot, and do all of those other geek things. I'm into math, esp. primes, factoring, fractals, and other recreational&.mathematics. Currently I work at a library where I get paid to stand around and surf the net (and help Joe Bloggs use the fancy new catalog).
- user since
- Fri Jul 9 1999 at 13:56:16 (25.3 years ago )
- last seen
- Sun May 26 2002 at 21:32:52 (22.4 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 4 - View Sangui5's writeups (feed)
- level / experience
- 0 (Initiate) / -11
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