user since
Sun Apr 9 2006 at 14:11:22 (18.2 years ago )
last seen
Sun Apr 30 2006 at 03:17:08 (18.1 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
to be free...
patience, humor, humility, politeness, an open mind, and of course...
mind-blowing sex ;-)
who the hell am i? really...
most recent writeup
Whose Dream? (person)
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"I'm probably the last person you should ask for information about me."


I'm forgetful and prone to fantasy. I'm a great guy who doesn't like what he is and wishes he never was. I'm at the center of a bloody detante between matter and spirit that should have been avoided with a pre-nup...

They tell me I crashed the party. I tell them, fuck the fucking party; I'm outa here! They tell me, "Nope. Once you crash, you have to stay till it's done..." Fine. I guess I have no choice. But, in subjective terms, of course, that means "forever". Man, just tell me what I owe, and to whom so I can pay it... and then show me the fucking door! Of course, it's never that easy, is it... So what do you do in the meantime?

Good goddamned question!