user since
Sun Mar 28 1999 at 14:09:47 (25.5 years ago )
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never (?)
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1 - View red6's writeups (feed)
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0 (Initiate) / -6
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salmon day
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I'm anonymous linux slackware freak. I have normal fetishes like the usual antisocial psychopath; I love puns. Joe Satriani, Roy Buchanan, and Santana are great blues musicans. When life is a constant 'salmon day,' just reins.tall or send everything to /dev/null. Sometimes life can be as confusing as Neuromancer, but if everyone were to live in the virtual world of Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, I'd take my blades and slash all of you. My only weakness is love.; paradox - love can also make me stronger. Religion is a touchy subject, but Buddha is awesome and Cuchulain is a cool god. Protect the wolves, and I'll see you in my next life or in Realms of Despair..