
I had a friend who hoax emailed an Australian shock jock recently, and ended up being investigated by the police and then fired from his job as a result. I'll use the names Brent - for the hoaxer, and Smitty - for the shock jock. As this issue might still be sensitive to both parties.

The hoax started after shock jock Smitty jumped on (and even lead) the media bashing band-wagon of controversial artist Bill Henson. Over Henson's questionable photographs of children. Afterwards, Brent sent an email to Smitty saying he had found more disgusting photographs of nude children, and attached a link to Smitty's own website, where he had posted photographs of his kids in the bath. The issue is that the point, whatever it was, was satirical, and thereby mocked and provoked Smitty into just about making physical and non-physical threats to my friend. Though they weren't taken seriously. One threat was to knock Brent's block off and also that he'd never find work in the media again.

In the mess that followed, Brent was accused of threatening Smitty and his family, and the police became involved though no charges were laid. Whether or not this is true was for the police to decide and again, no charges were laid so it seems clear that no actual threats were made by Brent. In any case, Smitty found or chose to find these emails insulting and threatening, yet at the same time shock jocks are themselves very insulting and threatening characters. Though to any rational person, would not be taken to heart, as it is just a show.

From my point of view, it was clear from the beginning Smitty was going to over-react, as that is his nature and the reason he is a successful shock jock. However, there does seem to be some double standards when it comes to personal hoax emails - that are so ridiculous, to take them seriously would be by my account ridiculous in itself - and radio shock jock personalities. This may be just a celebrity vs common man issue, or one where different mediums are just taken differently.

The consequences of the hoax were that Brent was fired and found it difficult to find a job (partly due to the economic crisis) but possibly also as a result of Smitty's will.

In any case, while I am biased, as a friend was involved, I found Smitty's reaction contrived and malicious.