The Weekend Sound Track Project is a patchwork of musical moments sewn together in order to create 50 hours of continuous music to guide you through your weekend.

Getting Involved
We have already filled all the time slots and are working from a waiting list, so we are no longer taking applications for DJs on this project. However we need people to serve and stream this content. If you are interested in helping out, read below to find out how to obtain the full soundtrack and serve it to the public. Also this project is going well so far and there seems to be a lot of interest so I would not be apposed to organizing something similar in the future. Message me if you have ideas for or interest in the next project.

Posting Tracklist Nodes
Each timeslot must have a writeup associated with it. You can have multiple time slots on one writeup and the form and content of that write-up is totally up to you. We only ask that you include a few things:

  • The day and hour your track plays
  • A link back to weekend sound track
  • A link to the timeslot before yours
  • A link to the timeslot after yours
  • A list of songs and artists on your submisson

When you post a tracklist write-up, msg WST and I will add it to the list below.
All write-ups must be posted by Friday, August 11. Any slots not posted by then will be given to someone else who is able to meet the deadlines. We need to make deadline requirements in order to get the mass amounts of music compiled and broadcast.

Creating the Mix
A couple rules:

  • It must be in mp3 format
  • It must be 1 hour long +/- a few seconds. A minute over or under is too much. Cut some out or add some blank space. The variance adds up to much over the 50 hours of play time.
  • Try to avoid repeating songs from other playlists, but this is not a necessity. Better that your mix is the way that you want it.
  • Don't worry too much about matching up the end of your track with the beginning of the next. This project is patchwork in nature.

Turn in your music to flamingweasel Flamingweasel has generously (or foolishly; we'll see in the end) offered to compile all the timeslots onto CDs in mp3 format.
You need to send him your files to him. You can mail a CD with mp3 files burned to it, or ftp the data to his server. I found the ftp option to be really convenient and recommend it. Send CDs to
weasel, flaming q.
3227 14th ave w., #5
seattle, wa 98119
msg Flamingweasel for ftp info.
Deadline!All timeslots need to be to the weasel by Friday, August 11. If you can't do that, msg WST and say so in order that we can help. If you don't have tracks turned in and I haven't heard from you by then, you'll be removed from the project. This is just so that this eventually gets done. It is not an exercise in whimsical totalitarianism.
If you send 6 blank CDs (and a little cash to cover mail and materials) flamingweasel will send you your very own copy of the full soundtrack. Be sure to include some sort of SASE.

FlamingWeasel Says...
So, you're going to send me a disc burnt with mp3s? You rok. It will be very helpful if everyone does this rather than sends me wavs (or worse, an audio cd). Please please please use a good encoder. Like the lame encoder. Use lame, and I'll be a happy camper. You can find binaries for nearly every os here:
I'd suggest using the command line version. I've had great luck and sound quality with these options:
lame -b 32 --abr 128 -B 320 -d
(That's using an Average Bitrate of 128, maximum bitrate 320, minimum bitrate 32, stereo mode, allowing different bitrates between channels)
Please, use something different only if you really know what you're doing. If you think the above is dumb for some reason, /msg me and I'll fiddle with it. What's most important is that the whole thing stay below 65 MB (it ought to be somewhere around 55 MB) in order to fit the whole weekend on 6 cds.
No need to include jewel boxes -- I'll be making the packaging by hand, so if you'd like to save some postage, just send them in a well padded envelope. (And if you'd like to include a few dollars to help with materials, that'd be just fine too.)
Thanks a lot for your help.

Uberfetus says I use Mac OS X, for which there are no lame binaries. But the all-around cool X app Amadeus II ( has lame built right in.

Streaming and Serving There has been a debate about whether or not to stream as there are so many time zones represented on E2. I think it is best to get anyone and everyone who are willing to serve files or stream audio. offers 365 megs of space for mp3s and serves them for you so there is no reason why LOTS of people couldn't stream for different time zones.
We need people to serve and if you are willing, msg WST with your info and I'll add you to the list.

Streaming locations:, station name:Weekend Sound Track - the gilded frame
the custodian

File Serving
perdedor -
user : wst
pass : artofthemix

msg WST if suggestions and changes to this page.

I can't count the number of times I've heard or made reference to the sound track of your life both on E2 and in the waking world. Whether it is meant to add mood, meaning or aesthetic, it would be a fantastic experience to live out the music in our heads. So let's do it.

For just one weekend, let there be a soundtrack to live out our private and public scenes within.

    It works like this.
  • The weekend (actual date TBA) Starts at 5pm Friday and goes until 5 pm Sunday night.
  • It is broken up into 1 hour slots. You can sign up for one or more, but to start please sign up for no more than four slots.
  • Any music is appropriate. Keep in mind that the goal is to have the entire "score" playable so it is best if the music is available for download somewhere. Even better if you can offer it via FTP or something similar. At the very least make song title and artist available for each track.
  • Each slot of music should be as close to 1 hour exactly as possible. If you have access to sound editing software (like Soundforge) you could even create silent tracks to perfect the timing.
  • dem bones and I have debated the structure and fluidity of the project and I think that it is best to approach this as a collage so don't be concerned with meshing the ending of your slot with the beginning of the next. Yet is would be fantastic if you could work it out with your temporal neighbor.
  • We are trying to capture a general feeling for the time of day, so if "2pm on Saturday" doesn't make sense to you, broaden your scope to Saturday afternoon, or even afternoon in general (though you must admit that Saturday afternoons have a tone that no other afternoon can match.
  • This is a working list and is editable by anyone. Please check with dem bones or the gilded frame before editing the procedural notes.

Bonus Tracks