Djinn, an ancient,
Islamic, insvisible,
illusion casting creatures that have lived for centuries, they can
manifest into any form and
travel any where
instantly. Like] the Greek
daimon, they are
spirits of an intermediate nature; that is to say they are between humans and
angels. The Djinn have no bodies of their own but are masters of illusionary
diguse. It is also said in the
Q'uran Djinn are older than
humankind and created of
smokeless fire. However because the djinn are made of
fire when ever they take
human form their
eyes, which are are set
vertically in their head, can be seen
flaming. Djinn are considered to be the
cause of
shooting stars, violent
sandstorms, and
Djinn although have been known to live in ruins, wells, kitchen fireplaces and public bathrooms, but most commonly their favorite abode - the desert.
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