So, this is my last day of
freedom before classes start. Hopefully I will use it wisely, relax as much as I can,
browse around on
E2 and maybe pop in a movie or two.
In some ways I'm excited about
classes to start since they'll give me something to do, but then again, that means too much
work and
stress which I hate dealing with.
So I guess I'll like it for a week or two at the most, which i'm sure is
normal anyway.
Last night was fun, we went
sledding down
Libe Slope. For those of you who don't know
Cornell, Libe
Slope is the huge hill that separates
central campus from
west campus. I live on
northcampus with all the rest of the fresham, so we just walked to the hill. At some points it is not too steep but for the most part it's awesome, especially close to
Uris Library.
So we went for about an hour, and I have
bruises and a small cut on my chin to prove I was there. So
definately had tons of fun, espcecially trying to
climb up the hill once we got down. There isn't actually that much snow here on the ground.
Suprising since it snowed most of the day yesterday.
I guess I have to get used to this
Ithaca weather. I left last thursday to come up here and in
Washington DC, the weather felt like it was about to be spring. So yeah, it's pretty darn
cold here.
So I'm all settled in finally, it took me a while to
unpack since I had brought so much crap back with me. I guess that'll teach me for later
So, I guess that's enough rambling and
random thoughts for today. I really hope I maintain my
sanity this semseter. I actually didn't do all that badly (I passed chemistry!!!!).
Everything should be proud, I think.