After 14 years I'm finally doing it. I'm finally methodically going through all my bookmarks. Nodes I wanted to read later, Nodes I ran out of votes for. Nodes I wanted to C!. Nodes whose titles I really liked and either wanted to steal or hoped their content was as good as the title. Nodes that have great softlinks to check out later. Nodes that were really hard to find. Nodes I can't figure out why I bookmarked. Apparently I also collected Users who I was fairly sure would not return? I'm not even sure how I found some of these. Some of them I'm still keeping. But I've removed close to 200 I think and I'm not even halfway through the A's.

I will say it is lovely to dive into these weird bits of the nodegel There are some gems in there that may never again see the light of day.

That a lot of these are simply migrating to another list is a issue for future Intentions.

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