One other, more interesting, way of getting the goods (although, the context menu idea is genious if in windows) is to use
wget. Now, we all know the joys of wget.
Properly set up, wget can spoof a very real netscape/IE
client browsing their website, referring URL's and all.
From `wget --help` :
HTTP options:
--http-user=USER set http user to USER.
--http-passwd=PASS set http password to PASS.
--header=STRING insert STRING among the headers.
-U, --user-agent=AGENT identify as AGENT instead of Wget/VERSION.
Recursive retrieval:
-r, --recursive recursive web-suck -- use with care!.
-l, --level=NUMBER maximum recursion depth (0 to unlimit).
-m, --mirror turn on options suitable for mirroring.
and thus we get:
wget --http-user=Eraser --http-passwd=blarg --header="Cookie: blah blah blah"
--user-agent="Netscape 4.7" --recursive --level=0 --mirror
Yes my pupils, with proper setting up, a little bit of manually requesting documents, you too can piss off those sites by telling them that you too have an
exact copy of their
entire site. Be sure and only email the sites to tell them of your ventures if you're sure they
don't have a few hundred thousand lying around to hire a
legal team.
This goes for those annoying webmasters who use focus();. They should be
drawn and quartered. Repeatedly.