The regular Spanish alphabet is as follows:

  1. A - a
  2. B - be
  3. C - ce
  4. CH - che
  5. D - de
  6. E - e
  7. F - efe
  8. G - ge
  9. H - hache
  10. I - i
  11. J - jota (i.e., 'iota')
  12. K - ka
  13. L - ele
  14. LL - elle
  15. M - eme
  16. N - ene
  17. Ñ - eñe
  18. O - o
  19. P - pe
  20. Q - cu
  21. R - ere
  22. S - ese
  23. T - te
  24. U - u
  25. V - ve
  26. W - doble ve ('double v')
  27. X - equis
  28. Y - i griega ('Greek i')
  29. Z - zeta


Some might also count erre "rr" as a letter, as it has its own sound. It would go after R.

W apparently has different options namewise. YMMV.

Spanish-speaking areas where the sound of V and B are identical may have a slightly different name for one or the other (I've seen e.g., 'uve' for 'v').

W and K also aren't exactly native Spanish letters. You probably will only find them in borrowed words.

In 1994 the Real Academia Española decided that they would adopt the alphabetical order used elsewhere--that is, they would consider ch and ll as digraphs instead of as single letters for sorting purposes. So ch goes just after 'cg' and ll goes just after 'lk', just like in everyone else's dictionaries.

Awk! My writeup is incomplete, I forgot the accents!

Spanish has three diacritical marks:

  • the tilde, which makes an n an ñ
  • the acute accent, which marks irregularly-placed stress or, sometimes, differentiates between identical short words, and
  • the dieresis which means "pronounce this normally silent u"--u's are normally silent between g/q and e/i: "guerra", "quien", but vergüenza, Mayagüez.

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