Located centrally in Tokyo's Akasaka district of Minato-Ku, Tokyo Broadcasting System, Inc. (Channel 6) is one of the four major commercial terrestrial television networks in Japan and the only one which provides both television and radio. Since its first radio broadcast in 1951 and TV broadcast in 1955, TBS has served as the key station for the 34-member Japan Radio Network and the 28-member Japan News Network (Unlike european TV-stations, japanese private stations are not nationwide, but limited in area, joining up in networks). JRN and JNN comprise independent radio and TV stations across the country.
Their programming is mostly entertainment, usually very colorful (just look at the decor in most shows. Rhey love colours all right) and full of original ideas. For example, they were the station to air Takeshi Kitano's Takeshi's Castle. They also have an extensive anime schedule, although not as extensive as TV Tokyo, the premiere free-TV anime provider. Finally, they also show a lot of original Dorama-series.
I am currently working as an Intern at TBS in the Media Division for foreign programme sales (yes, the part that also licenses Anime to other countries).