Frontier was also the long-awaited 1993 sequel to Elite, and was written by David Braben and a team of helpers, in assembly language.

Released for the PC, Commodore Amiga and Atari ST, it presented the player with a universe - our own, but with fictional additions - and a spaceship with which to explore it.

Gameplay involved trading and combat; unlike Elite, however, the game physics were modelled on real life. This meant that the combat was frustratingly unentertaining, and best left to the autopilot.

Whilst it remains unique as the only game that allows you to explore, land on, and shoot at the entire universe, including every planet and moon, the lack of entertainment prevents it from being a classic.

It was followed by a bug-ridden, half-finished sequel, 'Frontier : First Encounters', which prompted lawsuits between David Braben and Gametek over the latter's decision to release the game in an uncompleted state; and a lawsuit between Elite co-writer Ian Bell and David Braben involving an agreement whereby the former would receive royalties from direct sequels to Elite (Braben argued that First Encounters was an entirely new game).

Currently David Braben is working on a fourth Elite game. Frontier is currently unavailable.

The word "frontier" is an good example of how word usage varies across a small boundary such as the Atlantic Ocean, and how cultural differences can make a huge change in the meaning of a word.

In the United Kingdom, Europe, South Africa, Ireland, et cetera, the word "frontier" is used in the way that Americans use the word "border": to mean the line that divides two countries, states, regions, or provinces.

In the 1840s, the United States experienced a drive known as Manifest Destiny, as settlers across the nation moved west to settle the remainder of North America. The "frontier" referred to the region between the settled areas and wilderness, and continually moved west as Americans did. In North America, the word "border" is used almost exclusively where Europe and South America would say "frontier".

This has led to a great deal of confusion, particularly in the matter of Peter Gabriel's "Games Without Frontiers". It might even be responsible for the end of his career.

Fron"tier (?), n. [F. frontiere, LL. frontaria. See Front.]


That part of a country which fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region; the marches; the border, confine, or extreme part of a country, bordering on another country; the border of the settled and cultivated part of a country; as, the frontier of civilization.

2. Fort.

An outwork.


Palisadoes, frontiers, parapets. Shak.


© Webster 1913.

Fron"tier, a.


Lying on the exterior part; bordering; conterminous; as, a frontier town.


Of or relating to a frontier.

"Frontier experience."

W. Irving.


© Webster 1913.

Fron"tier, v. i.

To constitute or form a frontier; to have a frontier; -- with on.


Sir W. Temple.


© Webster 1913.

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