user since
Sat Aug 27 2005 at 19:31:55 (18.8 years ago )
last seen
Sun Aug 28 2005 at 19:55:06 (18.8 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Get people to think for themselves.
Botony, Biology, History, Philosophy, and far too many others to list.
I'm a free spirit - though I am employed.
This is MY world and you can't have it!
most recent writeup
The TRUE Fear Factor (idea)
Send private message to Brighid Ravenwolf

I am a pagan, nothing more, nothing less. I have a high IQ, I love to read and write, and I also study Botony, Irish History, Biology and I also invent. So think not, dear reader, that I am some 16 year old spouting off, and I'm sure there are a few here who are, but I actually like the idea of putting THOUGHT into my writings.

As for the rest of me, I'm engaged to a wonderous Canadian from Winnipeg, you know who you are, and I live my life according to how I want it, not according to what other people expect of me. There's a secret to life that most of the world has seem to have forgotten.

The only way to truly be happy and FREE, is to learn to be content with yourself. Because, in the end, it's the first one you see every morning and last you see every night. Heh, and if the Gov. doesn't like it that someone prefers individuality than to being easily herded sheep?

Well just too damn bad for them.