Way, way back in 1968 one of the first so-called “super groups” was formed when John Lennon of the Beatles, Eric Clapton of Cream, Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones and Mitch Mitchell from the Jimi Hendrix Experience all teamed up and took the stage one evening to perform at something called The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus.

If you haven’t seen it and you consider yourself a “rock historian” you’re missing out on something special. The line up for that magical night included such rock giants and Jethro Tull, The Who, Taj Mahal and the ever lovely Marianne Faithfull.

In looking back on it now, it seems so surreal.

Anyway, this was to mark the only known performance of The Dirty Mac. It was the brainchild of John Lennon and marked his first performance outside of the Beatles since he helped form the band. Their entire repertoire consisted of two songs.

The first was a version of the Beatle’s tune called “Yer Blues” with John on vocals and rhythm guitars, Clapton on lead , Keith Richards on bass and Mitchell pounding the drums. Somewhere during the performance Yoko Ono slipped on stage covered from head to toe in a black plastic bag and screamed her lungs out during almost the entire tune.

Their next song was called “Whole Lotta Yoko” and a violin player by the name of Ivry Gitlis joined them onstage.

The title says it all…

Seriously though, for you connoisseurs of vintage rock, this is a must have for your collection.

On a purely personal note, a friend of mine got me the entire DVD of The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus and I was transported back in time. Even my kid watched it with me.

She hasn’t looked at me in the same way since…