-a true story-


their house was blue 

they were both in their eighties

Nancy and Ed had been high school sweethearts

he was a “live and let live” kind of guy

Ed was soft

he was easy and round

and she was more like a square or a rhombus

Nancy was hard like a hospital room

and one day Ed was mowing the yard

and he stopped and he fell

he clutched his heart

Ed went down like he had been shot

and Nancy screamed

she called 911

she paced back and forth beside where he lay

and I won't repeat what I heard Nancy say

but swear jars everywhere shattered that day

she cursed his softness

cursed his bad heart

cursed him for dying out there in the yard

the ambulance came and they took Ed away

and Nancy was still pacing and cursing his name

she cursed him in spite of

she cursed him because

she cursed him for being the guy that he was

the Nancy I saw that day in the yard

made me think of my dad when he works on his car

and I think Ed was soft and it made Nancy hard

and love changes color

I think

over time

she sold the blue house after Ed died

a man named Michael is living there now 

young man

a bachelor

he painted it brown.