I crave the shivers of my skin as his hand runs across my body, the delighted laughter of two in a bed, the desperate want of passion. I crave holding hands and gentle kisses. I yearn for the eyes of another.

Touch completes oneself, brings about the other side of oneself. The connection of fingers to keys on the keyboard (being hard, precise, logical) just isn't quite as lovable. I heard college was the time of sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Not that I'm all about, only about, sex, cause I'm more of the picky, falling in love type. But hey, it's been too long without touch. I'm in a desperate drought. If something, anything doesn't happen soon I'm liable to become a nun and that would be quite a feat being anything if not religous. And I just realized I've been reduced to making flippant, silly comments about nuns. Touch me before I continue this craved nonsense.