I woke up to a campus covered in chalked pot leaves and 4:20. The leaves were all gone by 10am, though. Chalk the sidewalk for birthday greetings or christian student-group parties and it stays for weeks. Chalk the sidewalks for gay rights or legalization and it's gone within a few hours. The implication is pretty clear, this is a place which will tolerate no dissent against the conservative groupthink.

Last night was ever so kickass. 101X (alternative rock station in Austin) put on their annual springfest concert yesterday. I left right after my 3:00 economics class, got to Austin about 5, but because traffic in austin was so horrible, and I had trouble navigating an unfamiliar city at rush hour, it took until after 6 to get parked and into Waterloo park. We missed Oleander, but Orgy, which I was never a big fan of, put on an absolutely ass-kicking show. The main event (and the reason I drove all the way out there in the first place) was The Offspring. They opened with "Bad Habit" (appropriate, most people on the road there seem about 3 seconds away from road rage :-) They played a good mix of old and new songs, and ended with "Self Esteem", which got *everyone* in the crowd bouncing up and down and singing along.

The real adventure, though, was trying to navigate back to College Station in the dark, with only the most crappy of directions. It took three tries to find the highway out of town, then after taking one wrong turn after another, we were lost in the grand metropolis of Dime Box, Texas. I finally broke down and called my best friend in San Diego, to ask him to look up directions on Yahoo maps. He wasn't there, but his roommate got us back on the proper highway. We were home before 3am, so it wasn't all that bad.