Created by Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe to rank individuals on the amount of stress they have in their life. This list includes both positive and negative events. The basic idea they had was that the more life events an individual experiences, the more he or she is likely to get sick from various disorders.

In order of most stressful to least stressful.

  1. Death of Spouse
  2. Divorce
  3. Marital Separation
  4. Jail Term
  5. Death of a close family member
  6. Personal injury or illness
  7. Marriage
  8. Fired at work
  9. Marital reconciliation
  10. Retirement
  11. Change in health of a family member
  12. Pregnancy
  13. Sex difficulties
  14. Gain of a new family member
  15. Buisness readjustment
  16. Change in financial state
  17. Death of a close friend
  18. Change to different line of work
  19. Change in number of arguments with spouse
  20. Large mortgage
  21. Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
  22. Change in responsibilities at work
  23. Son or daughter leaving home
  24. Trouble with in-laws
  25. Outstanding personal achievement
  26. Wife begins or stops work
  27. Begin or end school
  28. Change in living conditions
  29. Revision of personal Habits
  30. Trouble with boss
  31. Change in work hours or conditions
  32. Change in residence
  33. Change in schools
  34. Change in recreation
  35. Change in church activites
  36. Small mortgage
  37. Change in sleeping habits
  38. Change in family get-togethers
  39. Change in eating habits
  40. Vacation
  41. Christmas
  42. Minor violations of the law

source: Abnormal Psychology by Martin E. P. Seligman, Elaine F. Walker and David L. Rosenhan