The Revolutionary Wroker is the organ of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA.
The weekly newspaper is a journal of hot-headed opinions, revolutionary rhetoric and demands for a sweeping Maoist revolution in America.
I used to read this paper as habbit from 88-91, I even hawked it on occassion on State Street in Chicago. Then I wised up.

Here are some of the articles to be recently featured:

Poison War in Colombia, RW #1090, February 11, 2001
Deadly Health Care at California Women's Prisons, RW #1090, February 11, 2001
Chicago Photo Show, Nepal: Faces of a People's War, RW #1090, February 11, 2001
The 43rd Shot: The Feds Refuse to Indict Cops Who Murdered Amadou Diallo, RW #1090, February 11, 2001

They are big supportors of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

you can read it on-line at: