I have to agree with Templeton this movie was good, but it lacked realism. I found that the movie didn't really represent the full and dynamic features of the people I hang out with. What is so irratating about this is that the movie has characters in it that have the same jobs as some people I hang out with but the people I hang out with are fuller and have complicated emotions, like real people. I felt this was the main drawback to this film, its lack of cold hard reality and people that are like me. They took stock insight and refurbished it in an amusing way to create communal laughs, for computer persons or not, which has its place, but not in an amusing way that reflected the personalities of people I know who code and thus it didn't really reflect the way they would have acted in those situations. I mean putting fish entrails on the TPS reports, please, by the time I got to work I would probably realize this would ruin any reference I could get and that would hurt the resume I have tried so hard to build. Also if I'm listening to comtemporary urban music and it has this raw testosterone mother fucker saying nigger over and over again and I see a black person I revel in it, give them a knowing smile, like, look at me, I'm not embarassed, this music means the same to me as to you. Finally when Columbine occured I too was happy but after sitting down and having a good think, I realized that was not the right thing to do, killing those kids.