"You get ready, You get all dressed up"

"To go nowhere in particular"

These are some of the lyrics from the song "Love" by "cool-hipster-bad-girl-indie-rock queen" singer Lana Del Rey. While not personally a fan of Lana's music, (I often find her lyricism, theme, and style to be consistently predictable and pandering to a generation of youth hungry for a bit romanticism and rebellion)(Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just happen to be a one of those strange cranky youth that don't seem to enjoy anything), I find these specific lyrics particularly striking. The problem that presents itself now (other than the fact that I seem to be enjoying her music more and more-why was I even listening in the first place?) is that I cannot find any rational reason as to why these lyrics grab a hold of my thoughts like a vise and refuse to let go. Perhaps it is the ever present blatant romanticism in her songs-which,by the way, is really getting to me- or perhaps I've finally gone crazy from staying up until three in the morning, drinking coffee and blasting through news articles and bit of information on the internet like Arnie in the Terminator movies. I will go with the former purely for arguments sake. I do not think however, that Lana has successfully turned me over to her New New New Age Post Post Modern nostalgic Romanticism. Not yet, at least. Hmmm. Maybe I should just submit to the excesses of the modern youth and start enjoying her music. Which reminds me of another lyrics, one repeatedly uttered near the end of the song in the sort of religious fervor that repetition in modern pop and rock music brings-

"Don't worry, baby..."