National Handwriting Day

1628 - Charles Perrault was born.
1737 - James Hancock was born.
1816 - France decreed that the Bonaparte family should be excluded from the country forever.
1896 - H.L. Smith took the first x-ray photograph. It was a hand with a bullet in it. The hand was attached to a corpse.
1902 - Joe E. Lewis, American actor and comedian born.
1906 - Henry Youngman American comedian and actor born
1932 - Hattie W. Caraway, a Democrat from Arkansas, became the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
1950 - A Swedish tanker struck the British submarine Truculent during the submarine's trials in the River Thames. Only 15 of 70 men on the submarine survived.
1971 - "All In the Family" debuted - on CBS-TV.

Zanzibar Revolution Day -- (Tanzania)
Baptism of Jesus -- (Christian)
Plough Sunday -- (Christian - England)
Yellow Galactic Seed Day -- (Mayan)
Sel Day of salt -- (French Revolutionary Calendar)