Order Carnivora
Family Mustelidae
Subfamily Mephitinae

Genus Mephitis Genus Conepatus Genus Spirogale

A small furry animal living in South and North America. They are carnivorious, nocturnal mammals. They are famous for spraying smelly musk at people and animals that annoy them. They can spray about 4 meters, and the smell lasts for days. They usually have the decency to warn you by stomping, hissing, and growling. If sprayed by a skunk, the best way of getting rid of the smell is supposed to be bathing in tomato sauce.

The word 'skunk' apparently comes from the native american name, sikako. The OED gives credit to W. Wood, 1634: "The beasts of offence be squunckes, ferrets, foxes."

Nowadays skunks are raised domestically as pets and for their fur. Even after being destinked (technical term, anyone?) they still have scent glands for marking their territory, so they don't make good house pets.