In fact, the most widely admitted date for the end of the western roman empire is 476, when Romulus Augustulus was deposed by the barbaric mercenay Odoacer.

All the other "emperors" are, as you can guess from their names, Germanic leaders (simple soldiers like Odoacer, or magnificient kings such as the Ostrogoth Theodoric the Great). They tried to preserve an imperial power in Rome, but they failed. The first real western emperor after Augustulus was the Frank king Charlemagne (official coronation by the Pope in 800 A.D.), who unified all of western Europe under his rule, thereby laying the foundation for virtually all of European history to date.

Note 1 : The german word "Kaiser" also comes from "Caesar".
Note 2 : All of this applies only to the western empire. The Byzantine Empire (395) managed to survive until Constantinople was taken by the Turks in 1453.