Russian Alphabet (CP1251 encoded)

Under construction. More codeset problems. And to think it worked a few minutes ago.

Ah, I think I have it now.. directly inputing character codes seems to work.

I used CP1251 (MS-Windows code page 1251) because Everything doesn't seem to work correctly with KOI8-R.

Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet, but it seems to differ slightly from other languages. For instance, Serbo-Croatian, when using the Cyrillic alphabet as the Serbs do, seems to include a J-like character (such as in Yugoslavia.) But I'm not a language expert and I certainly don't know Serbo-Croatian. As an autodidact, I only have a rudimentary reading knowledge of Russian. Your average Muscovite probably wouldn't be able to understand me very well, as I have not mastered pronounciation. Try to get a native speaker to pronounce these for you, and imitate him/her.

А, а. (ah) Pronounced like the English a in father, but short. French a in rat.
Б, б. (be) Pronounced like the English bet sans t. Use this e sound for ve, ghe, etc.
В, в. (ve) V as in vat.
Г, г. (ghe) g (hard) as in go and get; never soft as in gem.
Д, д. (de) d in dam, sad.
Е, е. (ye) ye in yet.
Ё ё (yo) almost like yaw in yawl, but shorter as if written yol. Always stressed.
Ж, ж. (zhe) like s in pleasure or z in azure. French je.
З, з. (ze) z in zone or s in rose.
И, и. (ee) like i in machine; or French i.
Й, й. (И С КРАТКОЙ -- ee with short mark) like И but short. Used to form dipthongs after another vowel, like our y in boy.
К, к. (ka) k as in kick.
Л, л. (el) hard Russian Л resembles our ll in ill, tell; soft ЛЬ like lli in million.
М, м. (em) m in met.
Н, н. (en) n in net.
О, о. (o) resembles o in port and is like Russian 'ye' without the y-sound.
П, п. (pe) p in pet.
Р, р. (err) well trilled (vibrated) sound resembled v of the Scotch. Never like the obscure English r in better.
С, с. (ess) hissing s as in most, puss.
Т, т. (te) like t in tom-tit.
У, у. (oo) like oo in foot. Not so long as oo in moon.
Ф, ф. (eff) f in fun-fair.
Х, х. (hha) hh-sound, like c in Scotch loch and in German ach. When soft resembles H in Hugo.
Ц, ц. (tse) combined t+s, as in sits. German z in zu.
Ч, ч. (che) ch in church.
Ш, ш. (sha) sh in ship.
Щ, щ. (shcha) rather like our shch-sound in Ashchurch, or in fresh chops said as one word.
Ъ, ъ.
Ы, ы.
Ь, ь.
Э, э.
Ю, ю. (yu)
Я, я. (ya)