So I'm sure you've all heard the big news coming out of the G20 Summit by now, probably from the front page or something. It's the biggest news besides the new American Federal cigarette tax. So they've decided that the solution to the world financial collapse is to go to One World Bank and issue a currency, called the "Global" (Ɠ) This way all debts that countries owe other countries would be wiped clean, essentially, and everybody gets to move on from that point forward with a virtual clean slate. The idea is pretty simple at its core, since almost every nation owes almost every other nation and it is debt, if all debts are forgiven, then each country would come out about even since, while they are forgiving debts to them, debts they have to other nations are being forgiven as well as everybody moves to the same currency and financial system. To give everybody time to prepare, this isn't supposed to kick in until July of 2010.

Of course this has the religious folk getting all out of sorts, worried about New World Order, the Tribulation, Mark of the Beast, and the Antichrist and all that rubbish. They're afraid that everybody will be forced to have an account with this new World Bank and access it using an RFID chip implanted in their hands or wrists (which would be the Mark of the Beast, of course, I mean, the RFID chip is mentioned in the Bible, right?? Somewhere??). I think all that is a bunch of superstitious nonsense. I would have a problem with the chip for completely different reasons (the whole Big Brother, 1984 thing) but they haven't even said anything about a chip yet, or being forced to use only that bank.

I don't like getting rid of the dollar any more than the English will like doing away with the pound or the Europeans will like changing from the Euro (I mean, you guys have probably just gotten used to changing to the Euro from something else). But if this will keep the world from going into complete financial meltdown, so be it. I'll accept the Global. It's gonna be weird writing or typing Ɠ instead of $ but like anything it'll take getting used to. Besides, even though I've never traveled abroad yet and don't have personal experience, I'd imagine it'd be quite convenient never having to change your currency when you get there.

So I guess all I have left to say is I can't wait to see what the Global will look like. They're going to start accepting design submissions next week. As a designer, if I have time, I think that I'll submit one. Sounds like a fun project. And if they like mine, that's certainly something to tell the grandchildren someday, that I was the designer of the world money.