Another lonely, sedate night at work.

My vertigo is coming back in slight waves, so I've been taking Klonopin and Antivert to combat it, hence tonight being "sedate."

I'm leisurely eating my way through a package of almond M&M's, and I can't help but wonder why M&M/Mars Incorporated would think that anyone would make such a big deal about something so banal as choosing a new colour to include in future packages of M&M's. I don't mind living in America, but damnit, I get so sick of this mass consumerism shit sometimes. My mind boggles that the average American watches four hours of television each day. Doesn't the average American have anything better, or at least more productive, to do? Apparently not, eh?

While on the subject (?) of ranting, I'm awfully sick of xmms and its little quirks, like not processing playlists correctly. For the past two years, I've been eagerly awaiting the release of Sonique for Linux.

Sarah McLachlan's cover of XTC's Dear God is, for lack of a better phrase, wicked pissah. That's how much I like it -- I can say wicked pissah without a hint of melancholy since I lived in Boston for a summer a few years ago and hated every minute of it -- yet I use Boston English to describe something that's really good. Hmm. Perhaps I've had too much Klonopin this evening.

I'm including this bit because I, and I alone, care to do so: this is my one hundredth writeup. Yeah!