A method of escaping a kayak or C1. So called because you get drenched, the boat fills with water, and so on. The kayak is usually upside down at the time. A wet exit generally deposits you into the midst of a whitewater rapid, which is generally considered a Bad Thing. Sometimes, you recover your boat and/or paddle afterwards. Sometimes, you don't. To execute a wet exit, find the grab loop for your sprayskirt and tug. This should dislodge the sprayskirt's gasket from the boat's cockpit coaming. If it doesn't, bring your knees up to rip the skirt off of the kayak, using your hand(s) for assistance. Next, place one hand on the boat to either side of you, just behind your back. Push on the boat, tuck forward, and try to 'take off the boat', as you might take off a pair of pants. Roll out of the boat and get your feet above water, to prevent foot and ankle entrapments. Sidestroke to shore, recover your gear, empty the water out of the kayak, and continue paddling!

Oh, and don't forget to practice that pesky Eskimo roll...