Notes from the Surf

How to stack a wall of tires
...but the color is all wrong =b

Mountain Goats
There better be something worthwhile on the other side...

i have bicycles on my feet
How to win any debate.

You wouldn't steal a handbag
I sure learned my lesson.

The Shifts in the Map
Interesting demographic changes in the recent election.

Some research into homophobia
“Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.”

Fish, pork, and chicken contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine, along with milk and eggs
"In 2005 China exempted over 2,000 companies involved in dairy and food production from regulatory controls arguing these companies were of good standard and could regulate themselves."

Bush Spy Revelations Anticipated When Obama Is Sworn In
"You cannot believe how many people have told me to call them on January 20. (They say,) 'You wanna know about abuses and violations? Call me then.'"

Income inequality seen as the great divide
"Public opinion across Europe, Asia and the US is strikingly consistent in considering that the gap between rich and poor is too wide and that the wealthy should pay more taxes."

No president can save us... We have seen glimpses of another way to live and it's fucking beautiful.
"Directly confront systems of oppression, and respect the need for a diversity of tactics: support the use of a variety of creative initiatives ranging from popular education to direct action and self-defense."