Please know that I'm not saying drinking in-and-of-itself is wrong, Christ turned the water into wine. Who am I to condemn Him? This is more an expression of my own fear and a backlash at peer pressure. And, thanks to whoever softlinked Happy Birthday to You! :)

No, I don't want a drink. Yes, I know I'm 18. See, I've got this thing about putting poison into my body... I try not to. Oh, yes, I know that makes me an extreme ultrahypernuttyconservativefreak. See, the thing is, I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE YOU. (I'll pause for a moment while you recover from the shock of that statement. Ok? Ok.). For further reference here are some more things that I do not want:

  • I do not want to get piss drunk and wake up not knowing what I did last night.
  • I do not want to find courage, happiness, or myself in a bottle.
  • I do not want to lose what little intelligence and common sense I have. (Buildings Tumble)
  • I do not want to rely on a substance to make me feel and I do not want to run to one to escape from feeling.
  • I do not want to lose my inhibitions through a temporary means of running away from reality. Some of them are good. Others aren't. But I'll deal with that. I don't want or need your poison.
  • I do not want to act the way people act when they drink. I'm too much of a jerk when I'm sober. It won't be any better if I'm drunk.
  • I don't want to end up with a drinking problem. And, yes, it would happen.
  • I don't want to submit to one more of 21st century American society's screwed up social rules because I'm too afraid of looking like weird freak. So I won't. So stop asking. (Maybe you didn't hear that the first 100 times. STOP ASKING). (Beautiful America)
No, it's not a phase. No, I won't grow out of it. No, you won't change my mind by treating me like I'm a silly little kid who'll sooner or later grow up and act like everyone else.

I don't want to drink. I don't want to smoke. And I don't want to be like you. DEAL WITH IT. I know you think alcohol and pot are harmless. And you know what? I DON'T CARE. THEY'RE NOT. I know you're too damn hip and modern to look at me as anything other than some crazy fundamentalistic 18th century Puritan throwback. But guess what? I DON'T WANT TO TURN OUT LIKE YOU