The movie was based on the book by Thomas Harris. Silence of the Lambs won him a Bram Stoker Award in 1989.

This is a book that even people who don't like the horror genre will have a hard time putting down. Harris does a remarkable job in portraying Hannibal Lechter. How is it possible that we actually start to like this sick madman?

Subjectivity Alert -- Read at your own risk!

This node reminds me of a story concerning William Styron, author of Sophie's Choice. A student wrote a doctoral thesis regarding Sophie's Choice and Sent a copy to Styron. The footnotes stated that where the movie was unclear the book was consulted for clarification. Styron was not amused.

So, has the written word fallen so far that great books become afterthoughts to the movies made based on them? I went to softlink the Bram Stoker Award to this node only to find no mention that Silence of the Lambs was an award winning book BEFORE it ever hit celluloid. Aaaargghhh!

First published by St Martin's Press in 1988.