Attacking first and furious is all well and good in theory, but here in the good ole US of A, our legal system has a bad habit of making victims into criminals when they try to defend themselves. If you are in danger and you are the one to move first, then as far as the law is concerned, the fact is that you struck first. You can then be charged with aggravated assault, and may find yourself involved in a lawsuit.

When the issue is fisticuffs, you have the luxury to let the first punch be thrown. Anything more serious than that, the law be dammed, you best protect ya neck.

Here is my advice:

Try to get your opponent to attempt hitting you in the face. Eye contact will keep the focal point on your head. A lot of information as to what his plans are can be seen in his eyes. Now that eyes are locked, unflinchingly inform your attacker that you are not interested in fighting, but if this is what must happen, you offer him the first punch, and promise him that after that punch, you will inflict the maximum amount of damage in the shortest amount of time, and that this is his last second between rage and regret.

Perhaps this alone will diffuse the fight, but more often than not, your aggressor is some meathead itching for a fight. The speech is more for any of the spectators who can be called on in the event of a legal battle.

now for the goods

If you are successful, the punch is now heading toward your face. Step to one side of it, turning sideways to stand on the outside of the punch facing the extended arm. Catch the fist with your right hand, and twist the arm so that the elbow is pointing up and your hand is underneath his. Then bring the elbow of your free arm up (add a hop for more inertia if the arm you are holding is big and strong) in an arc and crashing down on the elbow while pushing the fist upward. This move should bring a swift end to hostilities, as well the usefulness of that person's arm.

(these instructions vary due to various left/right handed issues that arise in the real world, but you get the general idea.)

If your enemy just smiles at you and continues to attack… RUN!