Just a quick update today! I am super excited! I enrolled Skweakers, my Minnesota Coon kitten in Kitten Scouts today! Skweakers has her first virtual meeting with the other Kitten Scouts next Tuesday evening. It's pretty brilliant how they run it. The organizer, Katrina Phurrel, suggests putting a small box in front of your computer for the kitten to sit in and be seen by the other kittens in scouts! She found a fantastic VR program that will play fake butterflies across the screen DURING the zoom meeting (I can't remember what the name of the program was). This makes it so all the kittens can interact with the screen and each other! It sounds super cute, and with COVID, it's really hard to get Skweakers the socialization she needs. I know I could ger her the Purrfect Fit Kitten Mask so she could have real life play-dates, but I don't trust the other parents to mask their kittens too. Virtual it is. I'll log how the meeting goes in a few days!!

LieQuest 2022