The Triple Goddess is an OLD concept, an idea that is clearly recognizable in a few of the very earliest African religions-- the ones that can be legitimately considered to be the first examples of human religion.

And one thing i find interesting about it is that it appears-- at least to me-- to be an idea still WIDELY extant today as the meme behind the Christian Holy Trinity.

Mother , Maiden , Crone
Creator , Youth , Elder / Past, Present, Future
Father , Son , Holy Ghost.

I find it quite, quite hard to accept the idea that it is just a coincidence the Christian trinity fits the established pattern so well. Especially when one considers that the idea of the Holy Trinity doesn't really seem to have come from anywhere in particular-- it has no base in the Christian scripture, at least anywhere i've seen, and seems to function more as some kind of pedagogical device than a functional theological construct. Looks to me like the Holy Trinity is just yet another one of those things that Christianity absorbed from the pagans when it conquered Europe.. and at that, just another outcrop of what is possibly the most timelessly pervasive religious concepts in the history of humankind.
