Wow... I feel so good right now, I can't believe that all of this is happening to me right now.

First of all, this is the first day of the rest of my life. Well, not counting graduation, but it's offically the summer for me now. I never thought I'd see this day, but here I am, out of school and graduation on Saturday, and so close to getting out of public school forever. I have so many mixed emotions right now. Part of me wants to go into the commons, flip everyone off and say "Fuck Ya'll", and the other part never wants to leave high school.

Another thing is, me and my boss (I think) have made up our differences. At least I hope so. He came in on Friday and sat down and talked about what I am to do with my current project and actually gave me free reign over it. I think he's testing me to make sure I can actually do it, which I'll suprise him, because he never really paid attention to what I've done in years past.

And the biggie, me and my love decided to become offical bf/gf. It happened last night in a most unlikely spot, CiCi's resturant. We were sitting in the store and we looked deeply into each others eyes, and she said, "I love you, you wanna make this offical?" It was like lifting the world off of me. I said yes and kissed her. Well we finished our supper and went to the car to talk (hour long conversation deleted). I don't think I have ever smiled so much in my life, even before the middle school depression set in, I even woke up this morning with a smile on my face.