
also: vague, and vagueposting

Originating on social media, it's a post that talks about someone without explicitly mentioning who it's about. It can be passive-aggressive, but it mainly serves as a way to vent hard while having the plausible deniability of not referring to them by name. It doesn't show up in an ego search, and if a person decides to bite the bait, then they're effectively the ones who are instigating the drama.

In my opinion, the best vagues are the ones that you can solve. Piece together the references and imagine the fight going on behind the scenes. Or even more subtle, to provide drama that is highly relatable and commonplace, but which is unique in how hardcore the vague is. Too subtle vagues are quietly efficient and slip past the timeline unnoticed, but the ones that leave just enough clues to fill the water with chum are my favorite.

The vague part of vague posting is the artistic element. The post has to be defined and specific enough to be interesting (and pique speculation), but not too precise, or else it risks blurting out drama in plaintext. The vague post is both an attempt to sublimate conflict and get the last word.

Although a lot of common behavior can be called vagueing, actually calling it out like this is pretty rare. It's widely regarded as a toxic behavior, and even though it's everywhere, to actually point out vague behavior is taken as an accusation. Vagueing is normalized because it's mostly unnoticed or innocuous, and because people appreciate the virtues of the total vent. It's often thought of as a teenager behavior, but plenty of otherwise mature people will allow themselves to flame up a vague post.