Oy! Insomnia! I don't have time in my schedule for being awake at this hour! I'm almost done packing for a semi-move, but I'm too tired to do anything further right now; I also need to transfer a bunch of stuff from a PC to a not-so-compatible iBook (Oh, look! A toy laptop! Ooh!), since I will be traveling light for a while, living out of a backpack, and depending on the phone lines of others until I actually settle down somewhere.

In all these weeks of spring cleaning and packing, I've stumbled on a lot of long-forgotten items, some of immediate use, like headphones, various old books (Desi's autobiography!), a Wire compilation, and some not-so-useful, like old classical guitar sheet music, and some hastily-scribbled immigration info vis-Ă -vis my grandparents. And I have no idea what I'll do with Call to Action, the slim paperback put together by the Reagan '76 folks. A scary little collector's item now. Is he still dead?

And in all these busy weeks, I haven't seen much of E2, and I still won't, for a while. I have been remiss in my perusing and editing duties, settling for ever-quicker bursts of drive-by noding on most days. I can no longer see the user-cooled nodes on the front page, since one has to log in to see them now, and, in these drive-bys, I just log in, barf some text into the Everythinguum, and scamper away without seeing that front page with all the cooled nodes on it.

But I checked out the new Cool Archive, and saw that all you nice people have cooled some of my nodes. /me thanks you! It doesn't matter that you've all cooled the wrong ones (TWAJS), it's the thought that counts. Thank you.

Happy day-after-Cinco-de-Mayhem!

I'm all out of Valerian. Oy!