Eye accessing cues is an idea from Neurolinguistic Programming that you can tell what senses somebody is accessing in their mind by noticing where their eyes move when they think of something. There has not been much research on the truth of these claims, however there is some support that people tend to look up when visualizing. The below chart is a general guide, what a person actually does is most likely culturally and personally defined.

       Vc _______ Vr
         /       \
     Ac |  0   0  | Ar
         \   |   /
        K \ --- / Aid

The above letters correspond to the direction the person looks.

  • Vc: Constructed images (Visually constructed)
  • Vr: Remembered images (Visually remembered)
  • Ac: Constructed sounds (Auditory constructed)
  • Ar: Remembered sounds (Auditory remembered)
  • K: Feelings (Kinesthetic)
  • Aid: Internal dialogue (Auditory internal dialogue / language)
Looking straight ahead is also considered to be a sign of visual processing.

These 3 senses (plus two others: olfactory and gustatory) make up the modalities in Neurolinguistic programming, and the sequence of these eye movements represent part of a person's "strategy" for dealing with a particular stimulus. Scientific research generally does not support this pattern of eye accessing cues.