simonc loves his sleep

As regular viewers would gather, I had a challenging weekend, which flowed (in a brutally elegant way) into Monday. The backup and recovery from hell (FROM THE CREATORS OF SURVIVOR AND SURVIVOR 2!) that began at 7:30am Saturday didn't end at pre-dawn Monday morning. Oh no.

After a 48-hour stretch, I retired to my hotel room at 7:30am yesterday (Monday) and opened a beer. Ahhhh. Spent a very relaxng 45 minutes on E2 and then more-or-less passed out. At 9:30, woken from the sleep of the dead by my irriatingly shrill Motorola phone, I was summoned back to The Flaming Pit Of Hell as some network disks were not visible. Ack!

Man I dragged my arse over there. I operate really poorly on inadequate sleep. And 7.5 hours over three days-and-nights is my definition of inadequate, 'specially when added to heapin' helpin's of stress, grief, terror, boredom, and everyone's favourite, paranoia. Fixed the mount point thing (funny, one of the netatalk conf files (AppleDouble.default) had just lost a line). Then, "while you're here, Simon, could you just do (fill-in-the-tedious-but-crushingly-urgent task)"

THIS is the part of sysadmining I hate. The computers are cool, friendly, soothing. The users and their addle-headed practises and their inability to appreciate what sysadmins go through to keep their ships afloat are quite another thing. My current job description has kind-of "executive sysadmining" in it, but with my kick-arse full-time sysadmin on vacation in Thailand, I'm the bunny.

Gotta change my job description. MUST LEAVE THIS JOB.

Anyways, I finally escaped with my suitcase and my two laptops (uhg! they're heavy) at 8pm and caught the last flight home at 9:25pm. Gemma and Molly collected me at 10:15pm, and I slept.

Tuesday morning, 8am. RING! RING! RING! RING!

Okay, now some good stuff.

Gemma loves me. Molly adores me. I love them both very much. E2 is full of really interesting people whose company I enjoy immensely. I have lots of nice computers. I have a a perfect coffee cup. I have good prospects. I have broadband at home. I've seen the world. I have respect from many people I admire. I don't suffer from migraine. It's not so bad...