I'm sitting here thinking about regrets. Oddly enough, one of my biggest regrets is a small incident, one that probably meant little to the other people involved. But it's mine, and I'm gonna explore it.A few years ago I was waiting in line in a grocery store to buy doughnuts. Ahead of me was a little boy. He was grasping a five dollar bill and he was grinning very big. He was probably about 6 or 7 years old. As I watched him, it became obvious that he had been entrusted with the important task of going to the doughnut counter and buying doughnuts. He was proud. He was excited. He felt so grown up and by god, he was going to do this right. I got a kick out of watching him. Oh, one other thing....the little boy was black.

Behind me, in some booths where old men meet their buddies for coffee, were some old men meeting their buddies for coffee. I'm still not sure if these men knew the little boy was there, or if they were just being racist old men, but these guys started making nigger jokes. Loudly. As I stood in line and listened to these men be total idiots, I saw the little boy's face fall. I saw his smile disappear. I saw his pride go away. I saw his excitement in the moment be replaced with confusion and fear. And, to my shame....I said nothing. That is my regret that I'm thinking about today. I let two old men turn that bright smile to a grim fear, and I said nothing. I went home and cried. And I vowed that if something like that ever happened again, I wouldnt remain silent. I hope I get another chance.