Sure, that ryano has a recipe for some exciting lasagne. I'm not as adventurous as that. Here's my basic student lasagne recipe, useful when you can't stand any more Kraft Dinner:

1 500gr package of noodles
1 to 2 lbs ground beef
1 large jar (~1.5L) of no-name brand pasta sauce
1 large bar of mozzarella cheese

Cooking directions

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add noodles - cook for about 15 minutes
  2. Brown the ground beef in a frying pan
  3. Pour a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of a large dish
  4. Add bits of the beef to this sauce layer
  5. Add a layer of noodles
  6. Add cheese to the top of the noodles
  7. Repeat the sauce and beef, noodles, cheese layering once or twice more
  8. Add extra cheese on the top
  9. Preheat oven to, oh, 350F and stick the lasagne in
  10. Cook it for 20 or 30 minutes or so
  11. Switch the oven to broil or grill for the last minute or two to brown the cheese
  12. Let it sit for 15 minutes or half an hour before eating

That's it.